By: Poornima Dubey, Sub Editor-ICN
Light pollution alters our view of the sky and stars because light spill and sky glow interferes with astronomical equipment and makes viewing faint celestial bodies difficult even with the help of telescope.
As many responsible citizens of this world , you are also taking several steps to reduce carbon footprint at home, dutifully recycle your wastes each week, replace all the incandescent light bulbs in your home by LEDs or CFLs but even then also you are burdening our universe with great effect of light spilling very much by a major problem ofartificial lightening at its peak named as luminous pollution means the excessive, misdirected or invasive use of artificial outdoor lighting.
This form of pollution is now prevalent in Asia, Europe, and North America and particularly in cities like Los Angeles, New York and Washington D. C.
Actually this mismanaged light alters the color and contrast of the nighttime sky, eclipses natural starlight and disrupts circadian rhythms, which affects the environment, energy resources, wildlife, humans and astronomy research.
Light pollution affects every citizen. It is a serious environmental concern that wastes money, resources and cause different types of pollution also such as air pollution while jeopardizing wildlife, our environment, health and human heritage.
Actually light pollution wastes money and energy both. Billions of dollars are spent unnecessary lighting every year in the United States alone, with an estimated $1.7 billion going directly into the nighttime sky via unshielded outdoor lights.
If we regard it towards our health perspective even then also the glaring lights actually reduce visibility. Our eyes when dark- adapted, have good natural capacity in lowlight situations. But when nightscapes over- lit, eyes never have a chance to become dark adapted, and areas adjacent to brightly lit areas become impenetrable, reducing safety.
Changes in circadian rhythms are also observed resulting sleep disorders, anxiety, depression, diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular diseases and obesity, etc.
Light pollution alters our view of the sky and stars because light spill and sky glow interferes with astronomical equipment and makes viewing faint celestial bodies difficult even with the help of telescope. Disturbs the systems of GPS, communication satellites, mobile phones, solar panels and MRI scanners,
Wildlife too, is harmed by unnecessary brightening of the night affecting feeding, sleeping, mating and migration cycles of all wildlife and also experience disorientation of time when there is too much artificial light at night.
But there is no need to worry too much because this problem has solutions in itself so just consider them and decide a day in the whole week as dark sky week and use IDA certified lights only, be involved in it, turn the lights off if not needed, shield it, cut off it and most important make yourself connected with beautiful sky star light.